How To Raise Pigs To Get Big And Fat Fast
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How To Raise Pigs To Get Big And Fat Fast |
Now that the agribusiness of pig farming is starting to be glimpsed, why is that? how to make pigs big quickly, and for sure the meat is quality.
Fat and healthy pigs are the dream of pig farmers, especially pig fattening enterprises. Of course, the faster the pig gets fat, the more profit it makes. Fattening pigs also exist.
Pig fattening efforts proved profitable because pigs can give birth to more than one child in each birth (polytocous). In addition to the large number of cubs that can be born, pigs also have a short birth distance.
What kind of pigs can be raised? Well, the following are the types of pigs commonly cultivated in Indonesia:
1. Types of Pigs Suitable for Fattening Pigs
There are several types of superior pigs that are widely chosen by pig farmers for fattening. Among them are:
a. Pig Breed Veredeld Duits Landvarken
Veredeld Duits Landvarken, or commonly called VDL pigs, are characterised by large heads, slightly oval faces, and large and long ears that depend on the direction of the face. The spine is long, as is the wide, rounded body.
The large body shape and ability to produce a lot of meat make this German VDL pig one of the favourites of pig farmers.
b. Yorkshire Breed Pigs
Yorkshire or large white pigs from England are also one of the favourite breeds of pigs among breeders.
Having a high carcass percentage, this pig from England has a smooth white body colour, a large and long stature, and erect ears pointing forward.
This pig is very good for breeding because it has a high lambing ability and is able to care for its young well. This is one of them, known for its high lactation ability.
c. Pigs of the Landrace Breed
The Landrace pig breed includes a medium-sized pork type (bacon type). It is called bacon because it has a medium body size and also has medium fat deposits.
The characteristics of Landrace pigs are fine white body hair, a small and long head, and thin fat deposits. Pigs of this breed have a strong leg shape and rounded thighs with more deposits on the thighs.
Despite their small size, pigs of this breed can add up to 1 kg per day to their body weight. So that the weight of weaning (35 days) can reach >15 kg.
d. Duroc-type pigs
The Duroc pig is a common pig that appears on the screen. It has a pink colour, a long, arc-shaped body, and a medium-sized head.
e. Berkshire Breed Pigs
Berkshire pigs are the superior breed of pig most chosen by pig fattening breeders. This is because this type of pig is predicted to be the best and most productive type of broiler pig.
It was these types of pigs that were chosen the most. However, in addition to these types of pigs, there are also local pigs native to Indonesia that are selected for cultivation. As the name implies, the pig comes from a type of wild boar.
In addition to local pigs, there are also Hampshire pigs, Saddleback pigs, and Tamworth pigs that are widely bred around the world. You can choose one of the above types of pigs to be cultivated.
After choosing the most suitable breed of pig, you can start preparing for the selection of seedlings. How do I choose a good pig seedling? Here is the guide:
2. How To Make Pigs Fat Fast
1. How To Choose Quality Pig Breeds
In the process of fattening pigs, of course, choosing quality seeds is decisive for the success of your business. There are several conditions that you should pay attention to when choosing pig breeds. Among them are:
Nipples numbered 12 pieces, left and right symmetrically.
The udder is large, with clearly visible blood vessels.
The body looks dense and well-built.
Kokh feet.
Uniform pig size.
Derived from Superior brood (can produce children >5 tails in each birth).
Body color is bright, appropriate for the breed.
No display of body defects.
Those are the characteristics of a quality pig breed. After choosing a good seedling, next you need to make sure that the pigsty is also ready and suitable for use. The following is how to prepare a pigsty:
2. How To Prepare A Pigsty
The pigsty has a very important role in the process of fattening pigs. Starting from helping to improve feed conversion, maintaining and ensuring the health of livestock, to streamlining the pig fattening process.
There are 2 types of pigsty that are commonly used based on their construction. Among them are:
Single cage: a type of cage in which the building consists of only one row.
Double cage: a type of cage in which the building consists of two rows. Face to face or backwards.
It is a cage based on the location of its construction. Furthermore, the pigsty is also distinguished by its functions, among which are:
a. Cage For Brood
If you keep pigs and breed them yourself, then it is important to prepare the broodhouse for this. Make sure the brood Cage is comfortable for the brood and the children.
This brood Cage is also divided into 2, namely individual cages and group cages. In detail, here is the explanation:
Individual Cages:
As the name implies, this individual cage can only be occupied by one pig or one brood. This cage is constructed like a single cage (one row of cages).
Also make sure the cage can be closed when it rains. Therefore, make the roof of the front higher than the back so that rainwater can be directly wasted to the back. For more details, the following are standard individual cage shapes:
Front cage height: 2.5–3 m.
Rear cage height: 2 m.
The roof is made of strong, non-leaking material.
Cage size: 2.5–3 m.
It is recommended that you have a special spread page for both individuals and groups. If the yard is individual, then place the yard behind the cage, with a size of 3x4 m or 2x3 m.
The walls of the cage can be made of walls, bamboo, or boards. Adjusted for capital and the availability of materials.
The base of the cage can be made of cement or earth. However, make sure that the base is lined with clean, dry straw. So it must be replaced periodically.
The cage must have a feeding place, a dividing fence (guard rail for piglets) to avoid the piglets being crushed by the mother, and a warming lamp.
b. Stud Cage
In addition to the brood house, a stud house is also needed if you are breeding pigs yourself. Cages for these males must be specially built separately from the parent cage. Not much different, the following are the details of the stud cage:
Front cage height: 2 m.
Rear cage height: 1.5 m.
The roof is made of strong, non-leaking material.
Cage size of 23 m.
It is recommended that you have a special spread page for both individuals and groups. If the yard is individual, then place the yard behind the cage, with a size of 3x4 m or 2x3 m.
You don't need to prepare a brood pen if you only have a pig-fattening business. However, if you want to prepare the seedlings yourself, then the broodstock and stud cage must be present.
After preparing the cage for the brood and males, prepare the cage for fattening. Here is the explanation:
c. Fattening Cage
Unlike the broodhouse, this fattening cage is used for pigs that are in the process of fattening. So, there are no broods and tillers because they are only for breeding pigs for fattening.
You can use cages with battery cage construction, single or double. Each cage can be filled with 12–15 pigs. Here is a detailed explanation:
The size of the cage determines the number of pigs that can be accommodated.
The size of the cage is 1 m2 for 1 pig, for an average pig weight of 80 kg.
The size of the cage is 0.75 m2 for 1 pig with an average pig weight of 50 kg.
The size of the cage is 0.5 m2 for 1 pig, with an average pig weight of 35 kg.
You can determine the size of the cage according to the pig breeds you enter.
Well, that is a guide for the preparation of the pigsty. After the cages and seedlings are ready, the next step is the process of caring for and fattening the pigs. For more details, here is how to care for pigs to get fat quickly:
4. How to Fatten Pigs
The process of fattening pigs goes through several steps. Starting with the preparation of piglets for fattening, the preparation of cages, maintenance, and feeding pigs so that they get fat quickly, only then can you harvest pigs that are already fat.
Above, it was described how to select piglets for fattening and prepare seedlings. Well, after the seedlings come, do the maintenance so that the aunt is fat. Here are the steps:
a. Pig Vaccination and Castration Programme
When it comes to raising pigs, there are a few things that need to be done. The following are some important points that must be considered in the maintenance of pigs:
When the piglets are 3–4 weeks old, it is recommended that you castrate the male piglets. It aims to make the enlargement pig more docile, not cannibalistic, and accelerate its growth (fattening).
When the pig is 6–8 weeks old, vaccinate it against cholera to prevent healthy pigs from contracting the disease due to the virus.
In pig breeding businesses, vaccinate female pigs 3 weeks before mating. While in males, do this cholera vaccination at least twice a year.
Those are some important points in the rearing of pig livestock. In addition to this, you still have to do routine maintenance. The following is routine maintenance that should be done:
b. How to Care for Pigs to Get Fat Fast
The way to fatten pigs to be productive and profitable is to maintain their health and provide quality feed. However, quality feed will not be optimal if the health of the pigs is not guaranteed.
One of the pig farmers who used the method of organic fattening of pigs proved to be more effective. Why is it like that? You can see the benefits obtained through the link below:
This is mainly in the digestive system of feed in pigs. You have to make sure the pig's digestive system is optimal for digesting pig feed.
How do I do that? The key is to maintain the diversity of good bacteria in the intestines of pigs. Therefore, good bacteria have a very crucial role in the process of digesting food. Here is the full explanation:
Choose supplements that contain good bacteria. One type of good bacteria needed by the pig's digestive system is Bacillus sp.
One type of product that contains three types of Bacillus is GDM liquid organic supplement for livestock specialists.
GDM liquid organic supplement for livestock specialists contains good bacteria that are very good for the intestines of pigs, such as Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Micrococcus roseus, Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus pumillus,and Bacillus brevis.
In addition to containing good bacteria, this product also contains complete micronutrients and multivitamins that can help meet the needs of micronutrients in pigs. So you no longer need to provide vitamins or additional feed for pigs. That means maintenance costs will be lower.
How to apply GDM liquid organic supplement to livestock is also very easy. You only need to mix it into drinking water at a dose of 5 ml per head every day for cattle aged 1 month.
In pigs aged 1 month–1 year, it is recommended that you increase the dose to 10 ml/head/day.
The application of GDM liquid organic supplement has been proven to improve the digestive system of pigs so that they can digest feed perfectly. This is evidenced by the drier and less pungent smell of pig manure. Therefore, pigs become bigger and fatter faster.
In addition to supporting pig productivity to get fat faster, GDM liquid organic supplements for livestock specialists are also useful to prevent disease attacks, raise the immune system of livestock, and accelerate gonad maturity.
Also, make sure the air temperature in the cage is not too hot or cold, because pigs are quite sensitive to temperature changes.
When the piglets are 10 weeks old, deworm them to prevent helminthic diseases. This is important to do because pigs are very prone to helminthic diseases.
Do regular cage cleaning every morning. This is useful to prevent disease attacks, either due to bacteria, fungi, or viruses.
Give drink ad libitum (unlimited) so that pigs do not thirst and stress.
It was a guide on how to care for pigs so they get fat quickly. Of course, how to fatten pigs is also influenced by the feed you provide.